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The center carried out safety inspections before the Spring Festival

28On the morning of Sunday, the center carried out a pre-holiday safety inspection to strictly control the "safety close" at the end of the year.。


The content of safety inspection includes the implementation of fire safety management requirements, the management of key areas, and the operation and maintenance of important facilities and equipment。The inspection team first conducted a comprehensive investigation of fire and electricity facilities in the office area,Urge all departments to do a good job of fire prevention, electricity prevention and other safety work,Subsequently, the operation, maintenance and safety of key places such as computer room, archive room and electronic monitoring room were inspected on the spot,In view of the weak links found in the field, the author puts forward some rectification suggestions。


During the Spring Festival, the center will continue to tighten the responsibility of production safety, strictly implement various production safety measures, strengthen duty, and ensure the safety and stability of the holiday。


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