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Sunshine trading open integration "Yijing Jing En" public resources trading integration high-quality development 2023 cooperation alliance meeting was held in Jing

112930On the same day, the high-quality development of public resource transaction integration with the theme of "Sunshine trading · Open integration"2023The Cooperative Alliance meeting was held in Jingzhou。Provincial transaction(采购)Hu Junming, secretary and director of the Central Party Group, attended the meeting and spoke, Zhou Zhihong, Deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, Liu Huiwen, Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Vice Mayor met with Hu Junming and his delegation, Chen Bin, deputy secretary and vice chairman of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference Party Group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Li Yi, deputy secretary-general of the Municipal government presided over the meeting。


The meeting aims to implement the general requirements of "increasing the total amount, improving the quality and efficiency, and improving the environment" in the province's trading and procurement work, and further strengthen the close cooperation in the public resource trading in Yichang, Jingzhou, Jingmen, and Enshi.Along with the province's public resources trading and government procurement of high-quality development。

The main person in charge of Jingzhou Trading (procurement) Center reviewed the work of "Yijingjing En" cooperation alliance in the past year, and the main person in charge of Yichang, Jingmen and Enshi Trading (procurement) Center made an exchange speech respectively。The meeting proposed,2024The "Yi Jing Jing En" cooperation Alliance will deepen cooperation in four aspects: close linkage to improve efficiency, digital empowerment to strengthen business, sunshine trading environment, and open integration to promote development, and continue to release the innovative vitality of public resource trading development。

Chen Bin said,The cooperation Alliance meeting will be held in Jingzhou this year,It is the provincial transaction (procurement) center that implements the deployment of the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government,Specific measures to support the urban development efficiency of Hubei's "southern wing",Jingzhou will take this event as an opportunity,Under the leadership of the Provincial Trading (purchasing) Center,To make new contributions to the high-quality development of the public resources trading business of "Yijingjing En" cooperation alliance。

Hu Junming pointed out in his speech that the promotion of the "Yijingjing En" public resource transaction integration alliance is a specific practice to serve high-quality development。The transaction (procurement) centers of the Alliance earnestly implement the regional coordinated development strategy of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government,Under the correct leadership of local party committees and governments,A series of reforms and innovations have been carried out,A series of cooperation contents have been deepened,The transaction and procurement environment continues to be optimized,Market entities' satisfaction and sense of gain have significantly improved,It has made due contribution to the construction of "Yijingjing" metropolitan area。He stressed that the promotion of the "Yijingjing En" public resource transaction integration alliance must work on "smart services.。It is necessary to accelerate the pace of electronic, digital and intelligent transformation, continue to work hard on integration and sharing, sunshine trading, efficiency and fairness, achieve the standardization of platform operation, standardization of business services, digitalization of transaction procurement, and facilitation of rules and processes, and strive to set a benchmark in the field of public resources trading in the province, take the lead, and set an example。He requested that the promotion of the "Yijingjing En" public resources transaction integration alliance should achieve new results in deepening cooperation。要坚持党建引领,强化大局意识,深入开展学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育,不断推动党建与业务工作深度融合。It is necessary to deepen regional cooperation, promote complementarity, and realize platform connectivity, complementary functions, and mutually beneficial outcomes。It is necessary to strengthen cooperation in business exchanges and personnel training, build a team of high-quality transaction procurement cadres, and provide a strong guarantee for high-quality promotion of the development of the "Yijingjing En" public resource transaction integration alliance。


Subsequently, Hu Junming presided over the holding of the four cities and states and the counties (cities, districts) trading (procurement) center responsible person symposium, to listen to the four cities and states and some counties (cities, districts) trading (procurement) center2023Annual work performance and2024Annual work preliminary plan report。After listening to the speech, Hu Junming stressed that it is necessary to jointly promote the high-quality development of public resource trading and government procurement through intelligent management, e-driven and convenient implementation, with service as the center, witness as the means and technology as the support。It is necessary to take the theme education as an opportunity to anchor the target task of "significant improvement in quality and rapid growth in quantity",To nail the spirit of hard work implementation,Ensure annual goals are met。

During his stay in Jingzhou, Hu Junming and his delegation went to Jingzhou Trading (procurement) Center and Jingzhou University Town project site for field research。


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