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The center organized party members and cadres to visit the clean government education base


In order to continue to deepen the construction of Party conduct and clean government, enhance the awareness of honesty and self-discipline of party members and cadres, and build a solid ideological defense line against corruption and change,82On the afternoon of the day, the center organized party members and cadres to visit the clean Government Education base of the Municipal Archives。


At the event site, under the guidance of the docents, party members and cadres had an in-depth understanding of the clean and good story of the Jingzhou Communists' hard work and self-restraint since the founding of the Party, as well as the Communists' persistent adherence to Party discipline and Party regulations and honesty and self-discipline in the hard years。A picture, a physical object, to the party members and cadres have brought a strong spiritual shock and profound ideological touch。

Through this visit, all party members and cadres were baptized by the clean and clean breeze, and they said that in the future work, they will further strengthen the sense of discipline and integrity, and build a strong ideological and moral defense line against corruption and change。


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