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Jingzhou Ecological Environment Bureau environmental information disclosure report audit service bid (transaction) results announcement

I. Project number


Ii. Procurement plan record number


3. Project name

    Environmental information disclosure report audit services 

Iv. Bid (transaction) information



         Supplier Name: Hubei Jingzhou Environmental Protection Science and Technology Co., LTD 

         Supplier Address: No. 1, 19 Floor, Building 9, B Area, Jingzhou Xintiandi, No. 63 Taqiao Road East, Shashi District 

         Bid (transaction) amount: ¥79.98万元 

         Overall rating: 77.67分 

五、Prime target information



   Service class

   Name: Environmental information disclosure report audit service 

   Service scope: Jingzhou Ecological Environment Bureau will track the whole process of this work, and evaluate the service quality performance of the service results (see the consultation document for details)。 

   Service requirements: See the project consultation document and the response document of the winning bidder for details。 

   Service period: from the date of signing the contract to November 30, 2024 

   Service standards: See the project consultation document and the response document of the winning bidder for details。 

六、List of judges   

    Xie Jin (Package 1), Fu Weihong (Package 1), Han Li (Group leader of Package 1) 

Vii. Review information

    1. Judging time: 2024-01-15 

    2. Judging venue: Negotiation Room 2 

8. Agent service fees and amounts:

    1. Agent service fee standard:In accordance with the Provisional Measures for the Administration of Fees for Bidding Agency Services (Price [2002] No. 1980), the specific fees shall be charged in accordance with the agency contract。

    2. Charge amount (if there are more than one total amount only) :1.1997(万元)

9. Time limit for announcement

  1 working day from the date of this announcement。

X. Other supplementary matters

   If the supplier doubts the result announcement, it may, within 7 working days from the expiration of the result announcement period, raise a written challenge to the purchaser (agency) (listing the facts and providing evidence according to law), and the overdue will no longer be accepted。  

11. If you have any questions about the content of this announcement, please contact us as follows

    1. Purchaser's information

         Name: Jingzhou Ecological Environment Bureau 

         Add: No.51 Garden Road, Shashi District, Jingzhou City 

         Contact us: 0716-8116591 

    2. Purchasing agency information

         Name: Zhonggan Liyuan Engineering Consulting Co., LTD

         Address: North Gate of Langyuan, Chutian City, Mingzhu Avenue, Shacheng District, Jingzhou City, Hubei Province

         Contact: 18672122761

    3. Project contact information:

         Project contact:Wang Yuhang

         电     话:18672122761

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Zhonggan Liyuan Engineering Consulting Co., LTD

                                                                                                                                                                                                            January 17, 2024

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